Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Hedgehog - f/4 | 1/200 sec | ISO 400 | (With built in flash)
So I finally managed to get a photograph of the resident hedgehog in my garden after countless failed attempts! It was raining at the time and initially I thought I was too late but then I found him foraging in the woodland part at the end of our garden which was great. The shame is it was so dark I had to use flash to get this one photo and it reflects off the eyes, however on the whole I am pleased with the way the picture came out! 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Great Crested Grebes

Building A Nest? - f/5.6 | 1/800 sec | ISO 800
Courting - f/5.6 | 1/800 sec | ISO 800

A while back I went to London with a friend to see the Sebastiao Salgado exhibition at The Natural History Museum and Travel Photographer of the Year at the Royal Geographical Society! Both were really interesting to see, I particularly enjoyed Salgado's work capturing isolated places untouched by the modern world. After we had finished at the exhibitions we were waiting at Canary Wharf before we were to go home, and I spotted this pair of Grebes which made excellent subjects in the evening sunlight. We watched them for quite a while and they appeared to be attempting to build a nest on a rope that was there holding a temporary bridge in place - not a good idea obviously! They were diving down and gathering all kinds of material including a police -do not cross- line! My dad walks past them every day but apparently they gave up a moved on to another location which is probably for the best!